Trial Examination 2010
Subject –Physics XII
Gaselo HSS

(This paper contains 7 printed pages)
This paper is divided into two parts. Part I is compulsory and in Part II answer any 4 questions from section A, 3 questions from section B, and 2 Questions from section C. Paper is for the duration of Three hours and is out of 100 marks.

 Part I (Answer all questions)                                                 40 Marks

Question 1                             
A.    Multiple-choice Questions                                                         (1´10=10 Marks)
     i.          Which of the following phenomena cannot take place in sound waves?
a)     reflection
b)     interference
c)      diffraction
d)     polarization.
   ii.          The depletion layer in the p-n junction is formed by:
a)     diffusion of charge carriers
b)     drift of electrons
c)      drift of holes
d)     migration of impurity ions.
iii)        In a X-ray tube, the quality of the emitted X-ray beam controlled by:
a)               increasing the filament current
b)               decreasing the filament current
c)                increasing the potential difference across the ends of the tube
d)               decreasing the potential difference across the ends of the tube.
iv)        How many lines of force start from a unit charge?
a)     of force
b)     of force
c)      of force
d)      of force
v) The time period of oscillation of a freely suspended magnet doesnot depend upon:
a)   the length of the magnet
b)   the pole strength of the magnet
a)     the horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic field
a)     the nature of the material of suspension
vi) The refractive index of a glass prism depends upon:
a)     the angle of prism
b)     the angle of devaition of light ray
c)      the colour of incident light
d)     the intensity of incident light.
vii) The magnifying power of of an astronomical telescope at normal adjustment is :
                        a) fofe
                        b) fe / fo
                        c) fo / fe
d) fofe / (fo+fe)
viii) A photon of wavelength can be associated to have a mass equal to:
b)     zero
c)      h/cl
c)   hl/c
b)     hc/l
ix)  Though quantum theory of light can explain a number of phenomenon observed with light it is necessary to retain the wave nature of light to explain the phenomenon of
a)     photo electric effect
b)     diffraction
c)      Compton effect
d)     black body radiation.
x) Which doesnot represent the unit of power :
a)   J/s
d)     AV
B.         Match the following                                      (1/2´8 = 4marks)
Fill in gaps in the right hand column with the best answer the matches the column A from Column B. First one is done for you as an example.
  Column A                                          Column B                             Answer

 E.g.       9. control rods                                  c)   nuclear reactor

1.Biot-Savart Law                               a) Bohr’s model         -----2.Characteristics curves             b) fission reaction                  -----------
3.Orbital motion of an           c) nuclear reactor                   electron is quantised           d)fusion reaction     -------------
4. Thermopile                         e) Transistors           ------------
5. Tangent law                                    f) Refraction of light------------            6.wheatstone bridge              g) null point
7. Simple microscope h) moving coil galvanometer -------
8. Neutral point                                 i) object within focus------------
9. control rods                                    j) Magnetic Field        ------------
                                                            k) Magnetic induction-------------
                                                            l) Characteristics curves        
C.    Fill in the blanks                                                   (1/2´12=6 marks)

i)                      The base of a transistor is ----------------and -------------doped, compared to the emitter and the collector. (thick, thin, lightly, heavily)
ii)                    To convert a galvanometer into a voltmeter a ------------resistance is connected ------------------- while to convert into an ammeter a ------------------ resistance is connected in ------------. ( high, low, in series, in parallel)
iii)                   Atoms having same--------------but different -------------are called isotopes. (atomic number, mass number, wave number, Avagrado number)
iv)                   De-Broglie predicted the dual nature of matter and derieved a relation between the ----------- of matter and the -----------(frequency, wavelength, intensity, momentum).
v)                     The magnetic substances having negative magnetic susceptibility are called -------------and those having positive susceptibility are called------------( dia, para, ferro, non magnetic)
D.          Write down whether the following statements are True or False and rewrite the sentence in correct form if they are false..                                                 (1´4 = 4Marks)
i)                  The resistance of graphite and non-metals increases with rise in temperature.
ii)               In equation given m represents the magnetic Susceptibility
iii)             Right-angled prisms are preferred over the reflecting mirrors while constructing a periscope.
iv)              When a photon falls on a metal surface it transmit whole of its energy ‘hn’ to anyone of the electrons present in the metal surface.

E. Short questions                                           (2´7+1´2= 16 Marks)
i)                 The half-life period of a radioactive material is 16 hours. After how much time will 6.25% of the material remains undecayed.
ii)               What is the force acting between two parallel current carrying wires, current flowing in the same direction. Mention the direction of force between the two parallel wires.
iii)             What are the conditions necessary for two sources of light to produce interference patterns?
iv)              A current of 2A flowing through a coil of 100 turns gives rise to a magnetic flux of Wb/turn. Calculate the magnetic energy associated with the coil?
v)               Mention any two factors on which temperature of inversion of a thermocouple depends.
vi)              Calculate de-Broglie’s wavelength of an electron beam accelerated through a potential difference of 60 volts.
vii)            Draw a ray diagram to show how the image is magnified in the simple microscope?
viii)          Calculate the momentum p and energy E of a photon of wavelength equals to 331.5 nanometer.
ix)              Write down the expression for Biot- Savart law in the vector form.
x)               How is the emitter circuit and collector circuits biased in the transistors?


Part II (60 Marks)Section A

Answer 4 Questions from this section.(7x4= 28 Marks)

Question 2
a)     Derive an expression for the electric potential at a point due to a point charge.                                                                                                [3 marks]
b)     An electric lamp has 20 capacitors each of capacitance 5 microfarad connected in parallel. The lamp is operated at 100 volts. Calculate how much energy is radiated in a flash.                                                                    [4 marks] 

Question 3
a)     What is See-back effect? Show with the help of a diagram how is the thermo-emf of thermo-couple measured.                                                [3 marks]
b)     Draw a labelled diagram showing an electric dipole making an angle q with uniform electric field E. Derive an expression for the torque experienced by the dipole.                                                                                                [4marks]
c)      Question 4
a)   What is relative permeability of a magnetic material? How is it   related to the magnetic susceptibility? How does permeability help us in classifying dia, para and Ferro magnetic materials?           [3Marks]
b)   The resistance of a galvanometer is 10ohm. It can measure a maximum current of I A. Giving necessary calculations, explain with the help of a diagram, how this galvanometer can be converted into a voltmeter reading upto 100 volt.             [3 marks]

Question 5

a)     A wheat stone bridge is made of four resistors R1, R2, R3 and R4. Obtain the relation between these resistors when the bridge is balanced.                                                                      (4 marks)
b)     Define Joules law. Explain how Law of resistance can be verified.
Question 6
a)     A pure inductance of 1.0 H is connected across an 110V, 70 Hz source.
Find i) Reactance
ii) Current
iii) Peak value of current.                        [3 marks]
b)   A 100mF capacitor is charged to a potential difference of 100 volts. The energy stored in the capacitor is made to discharge through the flash lamp of a camera in 0.1 milli-seconds giving a powerful flash. Calculate how much energy will be radiated in the flash and the power of the flash.                                                               (4)
Question 7
a)   A step up transformer operates on a 220V supply and supplies a load of 5A. The ratio of primary and secondary coil is 1:20. Calculate
 i) the p.d. across the secondary coil.
ii) the current into primary and
iii) the power output.
b)         State and explain Kirchoff’s law for the electrical circuits.

Section B Answer any three questions from this section.(6´3=18 Marks)

Question 8
a)     State Huygens’ Principle. Using this principle illustrate the different types of wave fronts formed.                        (3)
b)     Two coherent sources are placed 0.12mm apart and the fringes are observed on a screen 70cm far. It is found that with a source of monochromatic light, the 4th bright fringe is found at a distance of 10.5mm from the central fringe. Find the wavelength of light.   (3)

Question 9
a)   What are the components of the complete electro-magnetic spectrum? Name two components whose frequencies are more than that of violet light and two whose frequencies are less than red light. What are the characteristic features of the electric and magnetic fields associated with the electro-magnetic waves?      (4)
b)   Explain the term critical angle. If the refractive index of diamond with respect to air is 2.42, find the critical angle of diamond.               (2)

Question 10
a)   What is a Polaroid? How is it used to obtain plane-polarized light from ordinary light? If the polarizing angle for air glass interface is 56.30, what is the angle of refraction in glass?                                               (3)

b)   Give the theory and the method for the determination of the speed of light by Michel son’s method.                              (3)

Question 11
c)      Draw a graph showing the variation of intensity on the screen of a single slit diffraction grating when a monochromatic light illuminates the slit. Explain why there are dark bands on either side of central maxima.                                                                                         (2)
d)     Draw a ray diagram for an astronomical telescope when it is adjusted for normal vision.                                     [2]
c)   Explain the term critical angle. If the refractive index of diamond with respect to air is 2.42, find the critical angle of diamond.         (2)

Question 12.
a)     What is spherical aberration? Discuss one method to remove this aberration.                                                                                                     (2)
b)     Derive the relation to calculate the dispersive power when white light is made to pass through a prism.            (2)
c)      What is meant by pure and impure Spectrum? Draw a diagram of a spectrometer and describe its parts.[2]

Section C

(Answer any TWO questions)
                                                                                          [2 ´ 7 = 14 marks]
Question 13
a)     Explain how Rutherford model of the atom failed to explain the existence of sharp lines in the hydrogen spectrum. How did Bohr remove this difficulty?                                                                              (3)                

b)     Draw a properly labeled diagram of a modern X-ray tube and describe how X-rays are produced in it. State briefly how i) the intensity and ii) the penetrating power of X-rays are controlled.        (2)

c)      What do you understand by ‘nuclear binding energy’? Explain how this energy is given out in the case of nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.                                               (2)
Question 14
a)     How p-n junction diode act as a full wave rectifier. Explain its working with a suitable diagram.                   (3)
b)     Describe de-Broglie’s concept of matter waves and obtain the expression for the momentum and wavelength of the particle.           (2)
c)      Draw the symbol for the logic gate NAND. Write its truth table and Boolean    equations.                                                      (2)
Question 15
a)     What is Compton scattering? State briefly its importance.[2]
b)   The ground energy level and two higher energy levels of hydrogen are respectively –13.6 eV and –1.5 eV. Calculate the energies corresponding to the spectral lines produced by transition among these levels. Show the transition with the help of energy–level diagram.                                                                                                           (2)
c)   Describe the main features of the nuclear reactor? What are functions of the     coolant and a moderator in it? Write any two uses of a nuclear reactor.             (3)
h = 6.63´10-34 J.s
me = 9.1´10-31 kg
e = 1.6´10-19 C
1eV = 1.6´10-19 J
 = 9.0´109 SI units
c = 3.00´108 m/s

Physics XII

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Friday, October 12, 2012